Monday, November 12, 2007

Homonymy VS Polysemy

Write short notes on Homonymy and Polysemy

- describes a situation where a homonym has 2 or more meanings that are totally unrelated
-same form, same pronunciation but different meaning
- In dictionary, meanings are categorised as separate entries
Eg: Bark of a tree vs bark of a dog.
-there are no related meanings for both words
Stalk of a flower vs the verb stalk

-describes a situation where a polysemy has 2 or more meanings that are related.
-same form, same pronunciation with related meanings
- in dictionary, meaning are categorised under a single entry
-basic meaning can be extended into another meaning in a non literal way. this is known as a metaphor
Eg: ceiling which means inner surface of the wall
can be extended metaphorically as price ceiling, wage ceiling

Eg: hands of the clock.
Hands in this case would be polysemy to the basic meaning as it also performs a pointing function.
Hands of the clock is directing to us the time of the day.

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